” I don’t know” – that was my answer to my daughter’s question of why someone would walk into a movie theatre and kill people. “Why” has probably been the most asked question this past week, not only from my children, but from the news media, overheard conversation all around us, at church, at the ball games, everywhere – WHY ?!
I have come to believe that this side of heaven I will not have the answers to all of my why questions and the older I get the more why questions I seem to have. I am happy to hear I am not alone in this. People whom I admire for their Godly wisdom and kind hearts also have said this week, I don’t know.
In this life on earth we will suffer great loss. We will all grieve. That is part of the human experience. Sometimes the grief is excruciating as it is for all of those affected by the Aurora shootings. Sometimes our grief is less painful yet still all consuming. The loss of a job, a health crisis, even failure of a dream or disappointment can bring grief into our lives.
For me, I have to focus on the truth and rely on what I do know. James 5:13 simply states ” Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray.” So that is what I will do this week and the weeks to come. I will pray for those who lost loved ones in this senseless act of violence. I will pray for all who were traumatized that evening by witnessing this tragedy. I will pray for the doctors and the hospital staff who treated all of these patients. For the police and firefighters and the 911 operators. For healing for all of those who were injured. We all have a lot of praying to do, don’t we?
There are three things I will focus on:
1. God understands
2. God Cares
3. God can bring Colorado through this and even make something beautiful out of it. We have seen His handiwork before.
Matthew 5: 4 states ” Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted.” We all can do our part in comforting those whose lives so sadly were changed forever the night they went to the movies – Keep praying !
Blessings !
Thank you for remembering the police officers that have been so tragically affected by this senseless act. I have a son-in-law that had to witness this tragedy first hand. He certainly needs our prayers, like all others, to get past this horrific event. I have a son that was one of the first swat team members to respond to Columbine. We often forget the heroic acts of our police and fireman. These horrible memories affect their lives and only through prayer can God ease their suffering. Thanks again.