Have you ever received a thank you note from someone and it made you want to write them a thank you for blessing you with their kind words?  I know that sounds silly but that is how I felt a few days ago when I received a thank you from a dear friend.


This note I received was to thank me for a birthday present I had given her.  The gift I gave was quite modest and we had gone out to dinner with a group of girlfriends so she also was thanking me for taking time out of my busy life to spend with her.  Her words of affirmation and gratitude warmed my heart and prompted me to write another friend a note thanking her for something she had done to help out my family.  It is that pay it forward theory and it really does work because my friend to whom I wrote the note called me and said it made her day to receive something in the mail that wasn’t a bill, something that was uplifting.  She used the words ” it warmed my heart”


That is the beauty of a thankful heart, it makes others feel thankful as well.  My encouragement to you today is to think of someone that you can write a note to.  Thank them for a gift, a kind deed, or maybe just thank them for being someone special in your life.


Teach your children the joy of a thankful heart and encourage them to write thank you notes too.


Blessings to you !
