Positive and Impactful Leadership
This Covid 19 experience…It is weird and uncomfortable and at times overwhelming. It is freeing, it is comfortable and at times amazing. Yes, that describes my life right now in the midst of this pandemic. It has provided a wide range of emotion and experience. It has been unifying in a strange way, the world on lockdown. How do we handle this as leaders?
One thing I am certain of, no one will get a pass. We don’t have the option to not go through this or sleep through it and wake up to life as it was pre Covid 19. Now, more than ever, we need people to show up and live life in all of it’s strange and beautiful nuances right here, right now, together. I think how we show up now will have lasting affects on how we are able to show up in the future for those who we do life with, for those we lead.
The last few weeks have provided a lot of opportunities for me to speak to different MOPS groups, church events and leadership events, all from my home office. I wanted to share with you some of the things that I have received the most positive feedback on. 7 key strategies to focus on.
- Be authentic and self-aware. If you are struggling with your emotions, that is OK. We all have our moments. I spoke to a group last night and shared with them a real struggle I was having. I am not sure why when I heard Dr. Fauci say perhaps we should never shake hands again, it bothered me so much that I cried. It just did. I thought of my Dad telling me when I was a little girl the importance of having a strong handshake and looking people in the eye. I am an affectionate person who loves to hug and I tease that at times I almost “pet” people when we are talking. Not sure that was ever a good idea but now it definitely would not be ok. I was able to have impact because I shared what to me was honest, sad and authentic. Most importantly be authentic when you are talking to God. He already knows your struggles and can handle your anger, confusion or sadness about this whole mess our world is in right now.
- Be decisive yet adaptable. As a leader, your people need you to make decisions and provide clarity so they too can move forward. Because the news each day is rapidly changing, your mindset and then actions need to also be able to adapt quickly to a very rapidly changing world environment. This is where trusting God is critical.
- Be engaged but set boundaries. As I mentioned earlier it is so important to show up for your people. It is also important to set boundaries. In a time where most of our population is working from home it can be easy to just keep working instead of setting good boundaries. Making sure each day you are taking the time to take care of yourself by getting outside, moving your body and getting adequate sleep. Protect the time that you have with your loved ones you are in quarantine with.
- Be grace filled. Everyone is handling this pandemic a bit differently. Give people grace and remember to give yourself grace too. We all will have times where what we say or do probably wasn’t the best. Grace!
- Be positive and consistent. The people that you interact with will appreciate a positive outlook and need your consistent contact. It is a great way to stay connected during this time of social distancing. Technology has been an amazing asset during this time. At the touch of a button you can connect with a Zoom call, Face time, text or phone call. I also have loved sending and receiving good old fashioned letters. So let’s make it a priority to stay in touch so no one feels alone.
- Be grateful. I have started a gratitude journal and each day I write down three things I am grateful for. A posture of gratitude is key to staying positive.
- Be spiritually intentional. For me this happens to be the most important thing I can do to lead others well. I set aside time each day for prayer and reading my Bible. Right now I am reading through the book of Psalms. I love the raw emotion and questions that David brings before God. I also love the reminders of God’s faithfulness to his people and all the examples of his enduring love and strong character.
We’ve got this, because God’s got this! Praying for you as you lean into the responsibility of being a leader in such a time as this.
Blessings !
Sherri Crandall is the Vice President of Global Ministries and Leadership Experience for MOPS International. She is also a blogger and speaker for women’s events across the country and internationally where she shares her passion for encouraging women to live life to the fullest.
Prior to being on staff with MOPS International, she was the Director of Women’s Ministry at Mission Hills Church in Denver, Colorado.
Sherri loves to garden, read historical fiction, play a little tennis and most of all hang out with her family and friends, even better if it is at a beautiful campground in the Rocky Mountains.
Sherri has been married to her husband, Rusty, for 33 years and they have 4 young adult children and 2 dogs. She makes her home in Highlands Ranch, CO.