Mixed Berry Muffins

Mixed Berry Muffins

In my latest blog post I talk about sharing your story. This recipe was given to me by a neighbor when I lived in Indiana. She brought them to my house as a ” welcome to the neighborhood ” gift. They were delicious and just what I needed to feel like I could begin a new chapter of life. For two years we shared stories and recipes. Kathy is no longer with us but her stories and generosity live on. I hope you enjoy this recipe.


3 cups  all-purpose flour

 1 cup sugar

1 tablespoon baking powder

1 teaspoon salt

1 stick butter, softened

2 eggs

1 cup milk ( can substitute with soy or almond milk)

1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla

2 cups mixed berries ( blueberries, strawberries and raspberries )

4 oz. cream cheese, softened

2 1/2 tablespoons sugar


Preheat oven to 400°F. Line 12 -18  muffin cups with paper liners ( depending on if you want small or large muffins)

In a large bowl, whisk together flour, 1 cup sugar, baking powder, and salt. Then add the softened butter and mix with an electric mixer. Add the eggs, milk, and vanilla. Mix well. Gently fold in the berries.

In a small bowl, mix together softened cream cheese and 2 1/2 tablespoons sugar until smooth. 

Scoop a heaping tablespoon of batter into each muffin cup. Add a small amount of cream cheese (about a teaspoon)  – Top cream cheese with another spoonful of batter. Sprinkle with coarse sugar or pink colored sugar if desired.

Bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until golden brown.


The Importance of a Story

The Importance of a Story

I love going to the movies! I enjoy the story telling and the cinematography , the music , and of course the popcorn and Milk Duds.  I enjoy laughing and I must confess I cry easily too.  That is the beauty of a great story, it evokes a myriad of emotion.

This past weekend I went to see “ Little Women”.  I remember reading the book when I was in middle school and then have seen each screen adaptation since.  I enjoyed this new version brought to life on the big screen.  The story is much more complex now that I am an adult and  view things from a mothering perspective.  Being the oldest of four children and being somewhat stubborn and very independent, I can relate to Jo March. However, this viewing I found myself relating to the mom and her struggles to keep her family safe and loved.  The joy and sorrow she experienced through her children was palpable.

I left thinking more about motherhood and how since becoming a mom the way in which I view life has changed.  I believe I am more empathetic and more vulnerable to what is going on in our world and how this affects families.  Having the privilege of working with moms around the world through my job at MOPS International, I believe that motherhood is a universal language. The nod we give each other whether it be at the grocery store with toddlers or at the school parking lot with our teenagers – We just get it, don’t we?

I recently read a quote that said, “ When a writer knows themselves, they can write their story and the reader reads their own.”  How true that is and what an encouragement to us all.  We all are story tellers to some degree.  The life you are leading right now is telling a story.  I was challenged to think about what my life story is saying to the world.  I would encourage you to think about that and share your life with those around you.  Sharing the good, sometimes the ugly and all the boring in between unites us in our authenticity, realizing we are all trying to give our best.  Share your story so others feel the freedom to share theirs. Maybe something you share will let someone else know they are not alone or maybe what you share will be just the right encouragement to create a catalyst for someone else to branch out and start fulfilling their dreams.

Your story is important, I encourage you to share it!