It is Thanksgiving week in the United States and nothing screams tradition to me more than the Thanksgiving holiday. We have traditions in our family and I bet you have them in yours. Where did they come from? Are they worth passing on? Those are the questions I have been asking myself at the beginning of this holiday season.
“It’s that time again!” Having something to look forward to that is just around the corner is a wonderful part of our human experience. I will be hosting Thanksgiving dinner for my side of the family and I am really looking forward to it. We eat a very traditional meal of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, pumpkin pie and the like. We are a family that is ok with trying new things too and many of the recipes we have explored in recent years have now become part of the tradition. Our favorite being a brussels sprout casserole and a cranberry salad. I might add that only my sister in law, Tanja, is allowed to make them. She just has the magic touch. * see sherricrandall.com for recipes*
Food and the holidays can trigger nostalgia and anticipation. I realize for many it can also trigger unpleasant memories and can be a difficult time of the year. The great thing about traditions is you get to decide what you want to move forward with. I am challenging myself to think about why I have continued with something and have I made it worthwhile for my kids to continue one day when they have their own families. Good things to ponder.
Traditions help us with a healthier and happier outlook on life. They bond us with our family and friends. I believe we have an innate drive to build them which in turn helps with our finding fulfillment and belonging. It is the anticipation and the joy.
Traditions may change and evolve over the years and some just need to stay the same. I hope I got you thinking about yours. From my home to yours – I wish you a season to be thankful for!
I would love to hear about your favorite Thanksgiving traditions.