Forever Blessings
First published at 1st Corinthians13Parenting.com 2-20-2015
I was handed a beautifully embroidered silk pouch and tucked inside was a gleaming gold charm, a Chinese symbol. How could she have known, was this a sign from God? Those are the thoughts that raced through my mind as I continued to stare at my new treasure. My sister-in-law was the one who had given me this present and there was no way she could have known that her brother (my husband ) and I were spending every morning in prayer. Should we adopt a little girl from China? A co-worker who worked at a missionary organization had brought back charms from Asia and my sister-in-law picked one out for different members of her family. We found out that I had received the “Fu” charm – it represents double happiness and forever blessings in the Chinese culture.
I came home and showed my husband and of course we both laughed thinking God has a sense of humor. I proceeded to place the charm on a gold chain and wore it everyday. It was a reminder to pray for our decision and also pray for orphaned baby girls in China. Our prayers became a reality when we began the process of our adoption. Eighteen months of paperwork, prayers, tears, and more paperwork ensued until the day we received a phone call from our adoption agency telling us we had been placed with our child and she was healthy and beautiful and we would be traveling in two weeks. I was able to see her picture that day and look into those beautiful brown eyes. I have never been so overwhelmed by God’s goodness and the amazing way in which he put all the details together allowing me to be the mom to this precious baby half a world away. We were told that day that her Chinese name was Yi Yong Fu. The adoption representative looked me in the eye and said, “Her name means Forever Blessings, just like the charm you are wearing around your neck.” Tears were streaming down my face as I realized that every morning when I touched my gold “Fu” charm and prayed for the orphans in China and for my little girl, I really was praying for Fu.
We traveled two weeks later and the afternoon our daughter was placed in our arms, the first thing she did was reach for my necklace. I kissed her little red cheeks and she kissed me back. I was in love! We were told later in the day that her care giver at the orphanage had given her the nickname, Fu Fu. Double happiness, forever blessings!The charm is now tucked away in its beautiful little pouch waiting to be shared with my daughter when she is older and as a forever reminder of God’s goodness and my thankfulness that He cares about the details.
Blessed is she who has believed
what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!
Luke 1:45