The grass is green and the sun so bright
Life seems a dream – no worries in sight – Oh summertime !
Many poems and songs have been written about the beauty of summertime. Summertime to me is all about spending time outside, especially in my garden. I enjoy digging in the dirt, smelling the roses, sipping on iced tea and lemonade. I like that my skin turns from a snowy white to a nice bronze. I enjoy the familiar sounds of lawn mowers, kids playing outside, and the ice cream truck with its merry music. Nothing beats sitting on the porch swing with my hubby or one of the kiddos and just talking, taking in the sights and smells of summer.
I think most of us would agree that summer brings an enhanced enjoyment of life. Most of us try to take a break from our routines and take some time off during the summer for either a formal vacation or just some relaxing time in our own backyards. Just this past weekend I enjoyed time away with my family in the Colorado Mountains. Summertime in the Colorado Mountains is incredible. The beauty of the blue skies with mountains who still have caps of snow at the top and wild flowers blooming profusely at the bottom is a sight to behold. WOW is the best word to describe the surrounding beauty. I find that it is good to get away from our routine in the suburbs and let God reveal his beauty and wonder to us. Our senses become more in tune to the Lord in nature as we tune out the noise and busyness that usually encompasses our lives.
Now that school is out, a lot of programs at our church are closed too or at least dialed down for the summer. It is important to give those who faithfully serve during the school year time to rest and prepare for the fall. It is great to have a break from routine but we must not take a break from God and leave Him behind until September.
My encouragement to you is to find ways to enhance your relationship with the Lord this summer. Being outside more naturally lends itself to recognizing the splendor God created for us. Share that with your kids. Lots of fun VBS and Sports Camps are available for our kiddos. Enroll in a summer Bible Study for yourself or join friends for a relaxed study in your home. I personally will be going for long walks and spending time in prayer.
Now that our flip flops are flopping, sunscreen is applied, and vacation plans have been made, the opportunity to create memories with your family and friends is awaiting and remember to include God in your summertime too !
Blessings !