It was the day after Christmas and I was watching one of the morning news shows when the reporter started asking people on the street about their New Year’s resolutions.  Really, I thought, I was still enjoying Christmas and relishing in the fact that I didn’t have to return one thing this year.  I wasn’t ready to start thinking about my resolutions. I continued to listen as people on the street shared how they wanted to work out more, loose at least 10 pounds, get along with their spouse or co-worker, eat healthier, travel more, be more “green”, the list went on and on.  There wasn’t one person who mentioned they wanted to work harder on their relationship with God.  That fact doesn’t surprise me but it does concern me.

When our country was in its infancy, many denominations would hold what was called a watch-night service.  The history books say that these services were very important to the townspeople because it was when they made their resolutions to make God the number one priority in their lives.  They took time to pray and reflect and work on character issues. At the end of the 19th century women were very concerned about their internal character.  At the end of the 20th century women are obsessed with their body image and their outward appearance, the internal character has taken a back seat on the priority chart.

Now, I would be lying if I didn’t tell you that this year some of my goals are to lose weight or to exercise more regularly, eat healthier, those types of things.  Most of my friends would say the same thing.  What is different about goal setting when you are a Christian, is that it is the main goal to put God in the center of all your resolutions.

A resolution is a commitment to complete a goal.  A goal is a specific item you wish to accomplish.  I view the two as working harmoniously to achieve a higher standard of life.  I do set goals each year and I encourage my kids to do the same.  I think it is important to keep in mind what our priorities are and it helps us filter what we say yes and no to in our busy American lives.  Some of my friends set goals, some even claim a Bible verse that will help them direct their life this year.  Other friends have chosen words to help keep them motivated in living a Godly life.  Whatever you do I feel it has to be done with intention.  This year my goal is to be intentional on accomplishing those things that I have chosen to have priority in my life. I am working on being intentional with my relationship with Christ each and everyday which means I have committed to reading through the New Testament with a group of ladies from my church. My goal is to complete that by December 31st.

Now for some of my other resolutions, let’s see it is January 17th and I was going to keep my car very clean so I guess I better stop blogging and get busy and I better cut up the fresh vegetables for my lunch… some goals are much easier than others, I think we can all agree on that.

It is a new year, new beginnings, and time to be intentional on our purpose for the year 2013.  I love Proverbs 3:5,6 – Lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. I pray you allow God to be the center of your goals this year and allow Him to direct your paths.

Happy New Year !
